My evaluation

The lesson I planned seemed to be successful and very popular there were around 7 or 8 children taking part in it instead of the planned 3-4. the children involved all seemed happy to share the resources a lot of sharing was involved in the session especially of the scissors as I only brought two pairs out so they would have to share. All of the children involved were able to successfully use scissors when making there bird feeders. My profile child was very talkative talking about what he had found to use while making his bird feeder, mostly using short sentences like "I found a leaf", the children enjoyed hanging up there filled bird feeders on trees even though some children instead wanted to bring them back to nursery.

Narrative observation

 Here I have an early observation of one of my profile children (it may be hard to read my handwriting). during this observation I noticed this child playing with play-dough but while playing with the play dough it came to my attention that this child wasn't very focused on what he was doing. I noticed that He would stop playing with the play dough and "drift off" and start looking at the ceiling or at what other people were doing.

Week 1

Week one of my second block placement at Effra began on the 14th of march...

This is our weekly group planning time where we teachers individually plan the lessons for the group times during the week, I was luckily enough to be able to plan one group time a day in either the morning or the afternoon. These are the group times on the week of 14/3/11

Outdoor Plan

This is the outside plan of the over 3 section of Effra (Sadly not made by me) it shows the different areas where learning experiences take place

Indoor plan

This is my (bad) attempt at drawing an indoor plan for the over 3 room in Effra, as you can see it has many group areas scattered around the edges of the room and the different learning areas are separated throughout the room allowing children to roam where they please.
Effra is a is a large one floor building which has easy access for wheelchairs / buggies. The over 3 nursery section  is designed as one large, open room separated into different areas it is also connected  openly to the outdoor area which is freely open so that children can roam in and outside at there own will.


This is Effra early years centre where I had my placement experience, in brixton Lambeth. Effra caters for children age 0-3 and children ages 3-5 via to separate rooms for both of the age groups, the building also contains a community room where parents carers and young people from the community take part in activities such as breast feeding classes.